October 12, 2021 John Thies

Our Mission and Purpose

Our Mission

Cause for Awareness is a non-profit community dedicated to aiding and empowering other non-profit organizations in driving awareness, donations and thought leadership to their cause through digital marketing.

Our Purpose

Non-profits are committed to their causes. They are passionate, dedicated and strive to better humanity through their work. They are not motivated by money, power, or recognition – non-profits are motivated by compassion, solving problems and helping those that are in need.

Unfortunately, they are bound by working with limited resources, limited staff, and limited funds…every day. It’s been an especially difficult couple of years for non-profits due to the new challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. With social distancing measures in effect, non-profits were forced to reevaluate the way they interact with donors, staff, volunteers and the broader community.

Not only are non-profits limited in their resources, but they are also limited by how much they are allowed to put towards “overhead” expenses. Although, we don’t agree, donors consider the cost of marketing the cause or organization to be included in that bucket and don’t drive results. For a deeper explanation and real-world examples, watch Dan Pallotta’s TED Talk that highlights this very issue.

So we’ve all been taught that charities should spend as little as possible on overhead things like fundraising under the theory that, well, the less money you spend on fundraising, the more money there is available for the cause…we should be investing more money, not less, in fundraising, because fundraising is the one thing that has the potential to multiply the amount of money available for the cause that we care about so deeply.

Dan Pallotta – The Way We Think About Charity Is Dead Wrong

That’s where we come in. Our sole purpose is to be a non-profit digital agency that helps break the marketing barriers that other non-profits run up against to effectively market their organization and cause. We will be their resource for marketing strategy, implementation, consultation, analysis and thought leadership. This will be done by working with and hiring the best marketing professionals within their trade, partnering with vendors to provide the best products and services, and integrating technologies to create cross-channel campaigns that create exceptional fundraising results.

Our Fees

How will we charge for this work? For the non-profits that we help, it will be based on the pay-it-forward model as we want to give back to the 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations that are dedicating their time and effort towards the common good of humanity. Once the work is done or if its an on-going engagement, they pay us what they believe our work is worth to their organization.

We also apply for grants and accept charitable donations from individuals and organizations. The money that is collected goes directly towards creating awareness, through digital marketing efforts, for another non-profit organizations.

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